It's Advent Season!

Here is the calendar of events:

Wednesday Dec. 4 -

Blue Christmas Worship in Chapel - 5:30pm


Saturday Dec. 7 -

SCUBA - Christmas VBS Celebration, 2pm - 4pm  

Registration Required. See below for link.


Sunday Dec. 8 - Second Sunday of Advent

Magnify Choral Worship - “Miracle in a Manger”

Youth and Children presenting “A Very Special Night”- 10am

Online Advent Study – 6pm


Saturday Dec. 14 -

Jingle Bell Hike – 5:30pm- Belvedere Neighborhood

Wear your bells and Christmas hats!


Sunday Dec. 15 - Third Sunday of Advent

Worship 10am

Christmas Carol Sing and Potluck Lunch following worship

Online Advent Study – 6pm


Sunday Dec. 22 - Fourth Sunday of Advent 

Worship 10am

Online Advent Study – 6pm


Tuesday Dec. 24 - Christmas Eve Services

5pm - Service for Children. Children’s program presented, nursery provided.

7pm/11pm - Candlelight Communion


Download your Advent Devotional here.


With so many moving parts in our daily routines and schedules, it can be overwhelming trying to keep track of what has been canceled, postponed, rescheduled, or otherwise.


That’s why we’ve created a place for you to check the Midweek Update Emails, find the latest editions of CFUMC’s newsletter, A New Focus, and watch the most recent Midweek Update Video from Pastor Alex.


Stay up-to-date with important church announcements and information about meetings, rehearsals, or other ministry events that are taking place at Charlottesville First UMC.



Please email if you have any new information, additions, or corrections to share with the church!



 To reach the archive of our Midweek Update Emails or to read the most recent edition, click here!





Check out the latest editions of A New Focus (Charlottesville First UMC's newsletter):


February 2022 | April 2022June 2022 | September 2022 | December 2022 | February 2023 | May 2023 | September 2023



You can view the latest edition of the Pastor's Midweek Update by watching the video below, and/or you can view any of our previously recorded Midweek Updates by clicking on the playlist icon() at the top right-hand side of the video below: