Upcoming Events at CFUMC

Lenten Events

Every Wednesday during Lent (March 5 th - April 16th) - Lenten lunch and Devotion in the Fellowship Hall at 11:45am

Sun. March 2 - Shrove Tuesday Sunday Lunch: presented by the Men’s Tuesday Morning Bible Study - following the 10am worship in the Fellowship Hall!

Wed. March 5- Ash Wednesday Service: 6:30pm service in the Chapel

Sat. March 8 – Women’s Retreat (Who Am I? Who is God?) at CFUMC

Fri. & Sat. March 14-15 – Mark Miller Joy and Justice Sing In

Sun. March 23 – Cake Auction and Potluck Lunch to benefit RISE Against Hunger

Sat. April 12 – RISE Against Hunger Packing Event: 9am-12pm- Fellowship Hall

Sun. April 13 – Palm Sunday – 10am Worship

Thurs. April 17 –The Last Supper Tableau – 7pm in the Sanctuary – to include communion

Fri. April 18 – Good Friday Service: 7pm

Sat. April 19 – Holy Saturday: Stations of the Cross Hike: 10am

Sun. April 20- Easter – 6:15am: Sunrise Service in the Park, followed by breakfast in the Fellowship Hall. 10am: Worship followed by Easter Egg Hunt in the Park!

Keep Informed

Each week, we send out a Midweek Update with all the upcoming events and important annoucements.

To find old Midweek Updates, visit the archive.

Church Calendar