Charlottesville First United Methodist Church worships together in-person at 10:00 am each Sunday. We would love for you to join us!
Sunday Schedule
Charlottesville First United Methodist Church worships together in-person at 10:00 am each Sunday.
We would love for you to join us!
What can you expect? A warm welcome, services with a wide variety of music from choral to contemporary, listening for a word from God through the Bible and sermons from Pastor Alex Joyner, time for prayer, and next steps for taking worship into daily life.
Children are always welcome to worship, and will be invited to receive a special message during the Children’s Time portion of each service. Children then have the opportunity to attend children’s activities during the remainder of the service or remain in the service.
Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month and is open to all who wish to receive it, regardless of age or membership.
Accomodations & Accessibility
We use media screens to display worship information, such as scripture, lyrics, and important announcements.
Assisted listening devices are available for those who are hard of hearing in the sound booth near the back of our sanctuary.
Sensory aids such as weighted blankets, fidget spinners, and other items are available in the quiet room at the back of the sanctuary.
For those with limited mobility or disabilities, handicap parking is available in the church parking lot on the corner of 2nd Street NE and High Street. An elevator is available to help with accessibility to the sanctuary. Please let us know how we can help you.
At Home Communion
If you or someone you know can no longer attend services but would like to receive Communion in your home please contact Carolyn McGee at carolynmcgee@cvillefumc.org. or
DeAnn Posey at 757-208-6998 or dsposey2426@gmail.com