Our Adult Ministries are designed to prepare, challenge, and inspire women and men to a life of Christian discipleship. Our Sunday School classes, as well as information on our other small group ministries, can be found in this section. If you have a question or a suggestion about our Adult Ministries, please contact Carolyn McGee.

Small Groups & Bible Studies

Our Current Studies & Small Groups

  • Women at the Well

    Thursdays from 9:30 am to 11 am in Room 308

    During Lent, the Women at the Well (meeting in room 308 every thursday from 9:30-11am) will be studying “The Final Days” by Matt Rawle. Each of the New Testament Gospels offers a different lens through which we understand Jesus’ Passion.

    Journeying through His last week in Jerusalem, His triumphant entry into the city, His suffering and humiliation on the cross, and the empty tomb come Sunday morning, we will ponder these themes of justice, poverty, freedom, and love. 

  • Adult Fellowship Group

    Sundays following Worship in Room 208

    The Adult Fellowship Class has begun a new study of John Newel’s book, “Christ of the Celts”.

     This study will explore some of the teachings of ancient Christianity.  Celtic Christianity, which is still practiced today, is more about love and forgiveness than about judgement and doctrine.

     All are welcome!  Contact Pat Graham at Annew41@outlook.com for more information.

  • Young Adults & Parenting Group

    The 2nd and 4th Sundays at 11:30 in the Youth Room.

    The Young Adults & Parenting Groups are now merging together and are open to anyone who considers themselves a young adult, with or without children.

    Contact: Patricia Hott, patriciahott13@gmail.com for more details

  • Men's Bible Study

    Tuesdays at 8:00 am

    The Tuesday Morning Men’s Study will be studying the N.T. Wright thoughts on the book of Matthew.

    His thoughtful insights will bring contemporary application of Scripture to life. All are invited.  

    Contact Jim Berlin jimberlin79@gmail.com or Dave Wheatley wheat1506@gmail.com for more information.

  • Faith Seekers

    Sundays 8:45 am in Room 208

    Study with us as we begin Tim Keller’s “Generous Justice”. He explores how the Bible is a fundamental source for promoting justice and compassion for those in need. Join us on Sunday mornings to delve into the thought of justice empowered by grace.

  • Faith Explorers

    Sundays at 11:15 am in Room 308

    Faith Explorers is studying Brian McLaren’s new book, “Life After Doom”.

    McLaren is an author, activist, public theologian, former pastor (24 years) and English professor who writes about the intersection of religious faith and secular culture. In this new book he describes the failure of religious and political leaders to address ecological overshoot, economic injustice, and the increasing possibility of civilizational collapse. He also explores the complexity of hope, grief and new ways of thinking, becoming and belonging in these turbulent times. All are welcome to join us in this enlightening study.

    Contact Bill Clarke at janebillclarke@earthlink.net for more information.