The effectiveness of our church's mission and ministries to include

"Love the Whole City, Love the City Whole, Starting Right Here"

depends on our members’ stewardship, dedication, and commitment to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Giving At CFUMC


With a generous spirit and recognizing God's continuing generosity, please consider making a financial pledge to support the missions and ministries of Charlottesville First United Methodist Church.

 Email your pledge with how much you would like to give, how often you would like to give, and your contact information to

 Thank you for your generosity!

Endowment Fund

Purpose of the Fund

The purpose of the Charlottesville First United Methodist Church Endowment Fund is to provide a means whereby gifts to the church may be received and used to carry out the Christian ministry and mission of the Charlottesville First United Methodist Church, the Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church, and the United Methodist Church nationally and worldwide. This is consistent with the Social Principles of the United Methodist Church as set forth in the Book of Discipline and with the ecumenical objectives of the United Methodist Church.

Nature of the Fund

All gifts to the Fund create an endowment fund of permanent duration. A donor has the assurance that his or her gift will be a lasting contribution to the mission of the Church.

Gifts to the Endowment Fund may be designated for specific purposes or may remain undesignated, as the donor wishes.

The earnings from designated gifts may be distributed only in accordance with the expressed wishes of the donor.

Why Permanent Funds?

Permanent funds provide a stable source of continuing income for the Church and allow its members to develop long-range plans for the future. The earnings may also provide the resources for special ministries. In difficult economic times, income from permanent funds can sustain the Church and empower its ministry.

How Can I Make a Contribution?

Gifts of any size will be appreciated. No gift is too large or too small.

There are many ways to contribute to the Endowment Fund. Some of the more popular methods of giving are these: cash donations, stocks and bonds, real estate, personal property, memorial gifts, gifts in honor of a special person, retirement plan proceeds, annuities, life insurance, and bequests in a will or trust.
Contributions intended for the Endowment Fund should be made expressly to the “Charlottesville First United Methodist Church Endowment Fund”.

How Will My Gifts Be Used?

Gifts to the Endowment Fund may be donated to an Undesignated Fund or to one or more of the following designated funds, each with a specific purpose: Capital Improvements Fund, Scholarship Fund, Missionary & Missions Fund, Social Outreach Fund, and Worship & Music Fund. Other designated-use funds that are in keeping with the program and ministry of First United Methodist Church and the United Methodist Church may be established.

Naming of a Fund as a Memorial or Honor

Donors making a memorial or honor gift of at least $25,000 may designate the name of the fund into which the gift shall be placed, such as “The Jane Doe Capital Improvements Fund”.

Who Administers the Endowment Fund?

An Endowment Fund Committee, which is elected by and responsible to the Charge Conference of the First United Methodist Church, manages the fund.

How are the Gifts Invested, Managed, and Distributed?

The Endowment Fund Committee is responsible for the investment and use of the Fund. The assets must be invested in accordance with the Social Principles of the United Methodist Church. Currently, the funds are invested through the Virginia United Methodist Foundation.

The maximum amount that may be expended from a fund in any calendar year is 4% of a rolling 3-year average of the market value of the fund. The income from undesignated gifts may be expended by the Committee only with the approval of the Church Council. The income from designated gifts is distributed by the Committee in accordance with the expressed wishes of the donors.
The Endowment Fund Committee reports quarterly to the Church Council and renders a complete report to each annual Charge Conference.

Endowment Fund Committee

Kevin Palmer, Chair |

Members of the Committee would be happy to answer your questions about the Endowment Fund or put you in contact with someone who can. Also, you can obtain planned giving information through the Virginia United Methodist Foundation online (click here) or by telephone at 1-800-768-6040.

Tax Considerations

Tax laws play an important role in a person’s charitable giving. We urge you to discuss the tax advantages of a planned gift with your tax or legal advisor. Significant income tax and estate tax savings may be realized from a contribution to the CFUMC Endowment Fund.