Children & Youth Ministries
At Charlottesville First United Methodist Church, we strive to provide programs where children and youth can experience God’s love in action and find guidance in sharing God’s Word with others. Our goal is to provide a loving and accepting environment.
Children’s Program
Through our Children’s Program, we hope to embrace the children and families of our congregation and show them God’s love. Our worship service includes a time for children to gather together in our sanctuary to receive a special message. Afterwards, they are invited to leave the sanctuary to continue with playful worship in small groups, where stories and activities are led by ministry staff and volunteers. Lessons change weekly, and are centered around a variety of age-appropriate Biblical messages and topics.
Additionally, the Nursery is open from 9:30 am- 11:30 am on Sunday mornings. Parents can attend worship services and engage in fellowship while knowing that their children are being looked after by responsible, caring volunteers. We want you to feel comfortable, knowing that CFUMC is a safe place for the entire family to gather and experience the love of God.
Sensory aids such as weighted blankets, fidget spinners, and other items are available in the quiet room at the back of the sanctuary.
Youth Program
The CFUMC Youth Program is a Christ-centered, safe place designed for students in grades 6-12 who have an interest in exploring their faith while forming meaningful relationships through fellowship and fun! We offer numerous opportunities for activities both at CFUMC and outside of church as well. The program is led by Lara Upton and our team of Children’s and Youth Ministry volunteers. Lara and all volunteers have completed, and passed, a rigorous background check process as it is of the utmost importance to ensure our youth are surrounded by adults of positive impact and integrity.
Service Opportunities
If you are interested in getting involved with our Children’s and Youth Ministry Programs, we welcome your contributions! There are many ways you can support our programs using your gifts, whether those may be your time, donations, or something else entirely. Please contact our Children’s and Youth Ministry Director Lara Upton at children@cvillefirstumc.org if you are interested in serving.